The game is originally a Chinese dice game and is still widely played, especially in Asia. In the past, 2 dice were used, but today 3 dice are the most used.

This is how you play

  1. Select chip values from the chips on the edge of the table.
  2. Place your bets by left-clicking on the betting fields on the table and placing your chips. When you right click, you remove the tokens again. You can play on as many fields as you like.
  3. Click Spin when you have placed all your bets.
  4. The dice tumble around for a few seconds. When they stop, the result is displayed and all bets are settled.
  5. Click Re-Bet to place the same bets or place new bets.
  6. Click Spin to play again.

Possible bets

Our Sic Bo table offers the following types of bets (from top to bottom):

Small Bet (under 11)

Small bets win when the sum of all 3 dice is between 4 and 10 (also called “under 11”). Payout is 1-to-1 unless there is a low Triple (Triple Ones, Twos or Threes), in which case the Small Bet loses. There are 108 possible combinations of the three dice with a total score of less than 11, and only 3 of them are triples.

Definitely double

To win a Fixed Double bet, two of the three dice must show the double you have chosen. Payout is 10-to-1. There are 6 Fixed Doubles you can choose from (and you can place bets on any or all of them on any turn). If the third die also matches the particular double number (in other words, when the result is a Triple), you still win.

Definitely Triple

To win a Fixed Triple bet, all three dice must show the Fixed Triple you have chosen. Payout is 180-to-1. There are 6 Fixed Treble bets you can choose from (and you can place bets on any or all of them on any turn).

Random Triple

Random Triple

To win a random triple bet, all 3 dice must show the same number, but it can be any of the 6 numbers. Here you win on any triple result. Payout is 30-to-1.

Big Bet (over 10)

Big bets win when the sum of all three dice is between 11 and 17 (also called “Over 10”). Payout is 1-to-1 unless there is a High Triple (Triple Fours, Fives or Sixes). In that case, Big Bet loses. There are 108 possible combinations with a total score of more than 10, and only 3 of them are Triples.

Certain sum

To win on a certain sum, all 3 dice must add up to the sum you have chosen. Payout varies depending on the sum chosen, from 6-to-1 to 60-to-1 (as you can see on the table and in the table below). There are 14 bets you can choose where you bet on a certain sum: from 4 to 17 (and you can place bets on one or all of them on all turns). On a given turn, only one of the 14 sums can win.

A couple

To win a pair bet, two of the three dice must form the selected pair. Payout is 5-to-1 per pair. There are fifteen pairs of bets (and you can place bets on any or all of them on any turn). Note that with a result of three single numbers, (eg: 1, 4, 5), you win on three of the pairs of bets (in this example: 1 & 4, 1 & 5 and 4 & 5).

Bet on a number

If you place a bet on one of the six numbered spaces in the area at the bottom of the table (the largest die marked 1,2,3,4,5 or 6), you win depending on how many of the three dice come up with the selected number.

Matching Numbers Payout

If all three dice show 4, a possible bet on the 4 10-to-1. You can bet on as many individual numbers as you like.

  • 1 of 3 (a single number) 1:1
  • 2 of 3 (a double) 2:1
  • 3 of 3 (a triple) 10:1


Bet type Payout Max. effort

  • Small Bet (under 11) 1:1 100
  • Definitely double 10:1 100
  • Certain Triple 180:1 10
  • Random Triple 30:1 50
  • Big Bet (over 10) 1:1 100
  • Sum = 4 60:1 25
  • Sum = 5 30:1 50
  • Sum = 6 18:1 75
  • Sum = 7 12:1 100
  • Sum = 8 8:1 100
  • Sum = 9 7:1 100
  • Sum = 10 6:1 100
  • Sum = 11 6:1 100
  • Sum = 12 7:1 100
  • Sum = 13 8:1 100
  • Sum = 14 12:1 100
  • Sum = 15 18:1 100
  • Sum = 16 30:1 50
  • Sum = 17 60:1 25
  • A pair of 5:1 100
  • Numbers – a single 1:1 100
  • Number – Double 2:1 100
  • Numbers – Triple 10:1 100

Game buttons

Game buttons

The Spin Buret starts spinning to shake the dice. The cage cannot rotate until at least one bet is placed on the table.

Bet again (Re-Bet) places the same bet as on your previous game.

Clear removes all bets from the table and returns the amount to your balance.

Tokens. Chips of different values lie on the edge of the table. When you click on a token, the value of the cursor’s token icon changes. When you left-click on a bet field, the cursor places a token of that value on the field. Another left click places more tokens of the same value. Right click removes tokens.

Layout. The layout of the table shows the different bets you can choose. Left click on a bet field to place chips, right click to remove the chips again. When you move the mouse over the bet fields, a message appears at the bottom of the control panel and tells you what kind of bet it is.

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